日本語(バージョン2)は、最新のソフトウェアリリース2.5.31STABLEおよび2.6.11BETAで利用できるようになりました。 これらは、https://www.drofus.com/en/download からダウンロードできます。

「ミドリがチームに加わり、新しく改良された日本語バージョンをリリースできることを大変うれしく思います。 日本はドロファスにとって、重要な市場であり、今後数年間、戦略的な顧客や姉妹会社のNemetschek Groupブランドと緊密に連携することを楽しみにしています。」
ご意見がございましたら、support @ drofus.comまで日本語又は、英語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
Japanese Version of dRofus Software Now Available!
dRofus is pleased to announce the release of a Japanese-language version of our software in response to the growing demand and user base in Japan.
The Japanese language (version 2) is now available within our latest software releases 2.5.31 STABLE and 2.6.11 BETA, which can be downloaded here - https://www.drofus.com/en/download
Toward the realization of our idea and vision of "continued effort to serve our Japanese clients well”, a Japanese member of staff (Midori Kajitani) joined dRofus recently and has developed our new and improved Japanese language version that is available to be utilized immediately on projects.
Version 2 involved a complete technical review of terms and definitions replacing the previous basic iteration.
In the last few years, major companies within the Japanese market such as Takenaka Corporation, Azusa Sekkei and Kajima Corporation have started implementing dRofus on their projects.
Chris Razzell, Managing Director commented "We're really excited that Midori has joined our team and to release the new and improved Japanese language version. Japan is an important market for dRofus and we look forward to working closely with our strategic customers and sister Nemetschek Group brands over the coming years".
If you have any feedback, feel free to contact us via support@drofus.com in Japanese or English!